VT Media Manager Logo - WordPress Media Library

Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions

Affiliate Commissions

In exchange for providing genuine promotion of VT Media Manager, InterVenn Inc (under the VennThemes brand) will pay the Affiliate a percentage Commission of the price for every unit of VT Media Manager sold to a third party who accesses vtmediamanager.com through your affiliate link.

The current percentage Commission is 30% and is subject to change by InterVenn Inc at any time. VennThemes will notify the Affiliate via email of any change to the Commission percentage.

Commission will be paid for the initial 1-year payment to purchase an annual plan. Commission will also be paid for the renewal of a 1-year payment of an annual plan. There will be no renewal Commission for lifetime plans of VT Media Manager.

Referral links should point to the main VT Media Manager website, for example to the homepage and sales pages. No commission will be paid for affiliate links to our knowledge base site.

VT Media Manager will keep accurate and up-to-date records of the data used to calculate the Commission owed to the Affiliate. The relevant totals will be made available to the Affiliate via the Affiliate Dashboard of VT Media Manager.


We process affiliate commissions two times per month. We process on the 1st of the month and the 15th of the month.

Because we offer a 14-day money back guarantee, commissions cannot be processed until after the 14 days pass. The schedule details are as follows:

For affiliate sales from the 1st of the month through the 15th of the month, affiliate commissions will be processed on the 1st of the following month.

For affiliate sales from the 15th of the month through the end of the month, affiliate commissions will be processed on the 15th of the following month.

The following exceptions will change the processing dates:

If the 1st or the 15th of any month is on a weekend or legal holiday, affiliate commissions will be processed on the next business day.

For the month of February, sales from the 1st of the month through the 12th of the month will be processed on the 1st of March (or the next business day)

For the month of February, sales from the 13th of the month through the end of the month will be processed on the 15th of March (or the next business day)

Payment will be made in USD using our Payouts Service. The Affiliate can choose to be paid directly to their bank accounts or debit cards. The Affiliate must sign up via the Affiliate Dashboard. There is no cost to use this service. We bear the transaction costs, so you get the full amount of your commission.

There is no minimum payment. Whatever amount you earn, you will always get paid.

Payments can be processed using our Payouts Service in 50 different countries. We’re working to expand to more countries soon. The following countries are currently supported:


If your country is not listed, please let us know so we can make alternative arrangements for your payment.

Rejected Payments

Commission will only be paid for valid referrals. InterVenn Inc reserve the right to reject any referrals for any reason which we believe to be in violation of these Terms. For example, referrals will typically be rejected if any of the following applies:

  • The referral method violated our policies (outlined below) or the spirit of our policies.
  • The sale that generated the commission has been refunded.
  • The referral came from a link on a coupon sharing or discount site.

No commission will be paid for transactions that are later subject to refunds or chargebacks. If InterVenn Inc has already paid Commission for a transaction which is later refunded or charged back, then the Commission already paid will be deducted from a future payment.

Income Tax

InterVenn Inc is not responsible for any taxes that the Affiliate owes as a result of their relationship with InterVenn Inc, VennThemes, and/or VT Media Manager. The Affiliate is responsible for their own tax liabilities.

Cookie Expiry

Cookies are used to track usage of the Affiliate’s referral links. Referrals can only be tracked if the customer clicks on the referral link and the cookie is successfully added to their device.

Cookies are stored for 60 days. If a customer purchases VT Media Manager after the cookie has expired, or from a different browser or device from where they clicked the affiliate link, then no commission will be paid. Similarly, if cookies are disabled on the customer’s device then no referral will be recorded and it is not possible to pay an affiliate commission on their purchase.


Approved Promotional Methods

Affiliates are encouraged to promote VT Media Manager in a way that adds genuine value for your readers and for our potential customers. The idea is that you promote a product that you like and genuinely believe in, and earn commission as a reward – so everyone wins. For example:

  • Write a blog post or product review – The best way to generate significant Commission is to write high quality, unique content about VT Media Manager and publish it on your website. We are happy to suggest ideas of topics for you to write about.
  • Social sharing – Regularly send tweets with your affiliate link, and share on Facebook and other social networks. These should offer genuinely useful information and recommendations of VT Media Manager, and not spam your followers.
  • Help others online – Lots of people would benefit from VT Media Manager, but they haven’t discovered us yet! For example, customers often post on online forums and Facebook groups asking how to achieve a particular task in WordPress or WooCommerce. If you know that VT Media Manager will solve their problem, help them out and include your affiliate link. Facebook groups such as ‘WordPress Experts’ and ‘WooCommerce Help & Share’ are excellent for this.
  • Refer clients – If you are a developer or agency and have regular clients who will benefit from VT Media Manager, then share your affiliate link with them.
  • Cross-promotion – If you sell complementary products such as other WordPress themes and plugins, then you can share the word about VT Media Manager with your existing customer base. We’re always happy to chat about interesting use cases that will benefit all of our customers.

Prohibited Promotional Methods

  • Coupon sites – Coupon sites are not permitted because they are most likely to be used by customers already planning to purchase VT Media Manager. As a result, links on coupon code sites do not add genuine value.
  • Confusing customers or pretending to be formally associated with InterVenn Inc, VennThemes, and/or VT Media Manager – Affiliates are not employees and have no formal connection with InterVenn Inc, VennThemes, and/or VT Media Manager, so you must not imply this.
  • Any type of spam – Email, link spamming, comment spamming, etc. is not allowed. If you’re posting to a forum or comment thread, follow the rules of the website you’re on and ensure it adds real value.
  • Anything illegal or morally offensive – All affiliate links should add genuine value and be intended to help and educate the reader.

Paid Search

It is permitted to promote VT Media Manager by bidding on keywords in search engines or social media sites if you meet the following conditions:

  • Do not bid on keywords with variations of the InterVenn Inc, VennThemes, and/or VT Media Manager names or sites, such as “VT Media Manager”, “VennThemes”, “vtmediamanager.com” or “vennthemes.com” either on its own or with additional terms (e.g. “VT Media Manager discounts”) because this can be misleading.
  • Don’t use any VennThemes or VT Media Manager website URLs (e.g. vtmediamanager.com or vennthemes.com) as the ad’s display URL.
  • Don’t directly link to vtmediamanager.com or vennthemes.com from any paid search ads. Instead, link to a landing page on your own website containing your affiliate link.

Potential Consequences

If we discover that your promotional methods do not meet these terms at any time, then we will reject any unpaid commissions and disable your affiliate account. We will normally notify you if this happens, but we may not contact you if we believe that you joined the affiliate program with the intention of breaking these terms.

License & Intellectual Property

InterVenn Inc agrees for the Affiliate to use the referral links and banners provided via the Affiliate Area to promotes VT Media Manager.

InterVenn Inc retains all rights, ownership, and interest in these materials, and in any copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property. Nothing in these Terms grant the Affiliate any rights, ownership or interest in these materials, or in the underlying intellectual property, other than the rights to use them as granted under these Terms.

Relationship of Parties

Registering as an Affiliate does not create any employment relationship, agency relationship or partnership between InterVenn Inc, VennThemes, and/or VT Media Manager and the Affiliate. The Affiliate will promote VT Media Manager as an independent party. The Affiliate will have no authority to bind InterVenn Inc, VennThemes, and/or VT Media Manager into any agreement, nor will the Affiliate be considered to be an agent of InterVenn Inc, VennThemes, and/or VT Media Manager in any respect.

Affiliate's Representations and Warranties

The Affiliate represents and warrants that:

  • They have the legal authority to enter into an agreement under these Terms.
  • They will not distribute any unsolicited bulk emails or spam in relation to their promotion of VT Media Manager.
  • They will not use the InterVenn Inc, VennThemes, and/or VT Media Manager names or any of its products or services for any misleading purpose. This includes implying that VT Media Manager is the Affiliate’s own; and using a domain name or other branding that is confusing similar to the InterVenn Inc, VennThemes, and/or VT Media Manager names or its products or services.
  • Their website does not contain any materials that are sexually explicit, obscene or pornographic; offensive, hateful, threatening, libelous or discriminatory in any way; graphically violent; or solicitous of any unlawful or misleading behavior.


The Affiliate indemnifies and holds harmless InterVenn Inc, VennThemes, and/or VT Media Manager for any claim, damage, lawsuit or other consequences arising out of any breach of the Affiliate’s warranties under these Terms; or any other cost arising out of the Affiliate’s promotion of VT Media Manager.


These terms will take effect as soon as the Affiliate submits the registration form for the Affiliate Program. Either party may terminate the agreement at any time and for any reason. No notice is required of termination. The Affiliate will receive commission for any transactions made through the referral link up until the date and time of the termination.

After termination, the Affiliate may continue promoting VT Media Manager (unless InterVenn Inc, VennThemes, and/or VT Media Manager specifically requests that this stops), however they will no longer receive commission for any transactions made through the referral link.

Removal of Online Information

The Affiliate is expected to promote VT Media Manager in an accurate, ethical and responsible way.

InterVenn Inc, VennThemes, and/or VT Media Manager reserves the right to request that any online material the Affiliate has published relating to the products and services is removed from the Internet. The Affiliate must comply with any removal requests within 2 working days.

Limitation of Liability

InterVenn Inc, VennThemes, and/or VT Media Manager shall not be liable for any loss of profits or costs, or for any other direct or indirect damages arising out of any loss, suspension or interruption of service, termination, or any other performance of services under these Terms.


If any part of these Terms is held unenforceable or invalid for any reason, the remainder of these Terms will continue in full force and effect.